People like you don't make goals around responsibility, caring more or working harder. You're highly conscientious, empathetic, and a 'doer' by nature. You're looking for happiness, fulfillment, and a more empowered life.

The Suitability Map

about you

You stand out from the crowd. 

You feel like a bit of an outlier, and that's because you are. You've felt this way for as long as you can remember. You think deeply and creatively. You're intuitive and compassionate. You're caring, curious, and love to learn and grow. You're inspired by possibility. 

You feel like you're missing the boat.

It often seems like everybody except you has life figured out. You feel like the only one who is stuck, overwhelmed, unsatisfied, and out of balance. You may wonder how everyone else found the light switch and you're still walking around in the dark.

You're in perpetual survival-mode.

If it isn't one thing it's another, right? You have goals and ideas but life keeps getting in the way. You have a lot of responsibilities, and there is always more to do. You'd love a vacation but you don't have time. Someday you'll get it all done and be able to relax...

You're tired of the status quo. 

It is exhausting trying to keep up with mainstream culture and all that's expected of you. You put a lot of energy and effort into connecting, playing your part, and trying to do what's right. But instead of feeling alive and empowered you feel confined, uncertain, and unsatisfied.

You want more life in your life.

You want fulfillment, harmony and peace of mind. You want the passion and exuberance you hold inside to finally be let loose. You want real relationship, to make something positive happen in the world, and to have fun doing it.


The life change you're looking for doesn't happen when you figure out where in the world you fit in; it happens when you clarify who you authentically are, what you really believe, and what actually suits you.

That kind of clarity overflows with certainty, confidence, identity, strength of character, determination, focus and meaningful purpose. Oh, and a lot of happiness and inner peace, as well.

Imagine that the likeness of God was shattered into millions of pieces with a hammer and chisel, and when you were born you received a shard.

You were born with a one-of-a-kind 'shard' that is personified in your most genuine and authentic experience of yourself.

It's often referred to as your true Self with a capital 'S'. It both differentiates you from, and connects you to everything else.

I refer to it as your individual exuberance, the essence and expression of your innate traits, character, strengths and inner resources. Not only that, it's also a reflection of the magnificence from which you were created.


Embracing and embodying your individual exuberance supports the transformation from life on auto-pilot to an authentically empowered way of being that I call 'Self'-mode. 

It isn't about being selfish or self-focused, it's about developing Self-leadership and taking ownership and responsibility for your own incredible life and purpose.

It's also a fast-track to the freedom, stability, happiness and peace-of-mind you're after. 

What's stopping you?  ...

The Clarity Map

3  personal assets undermining your exuberance

You have all the strengths and resources you need to create a happy and fulfilling life. The challenge and opportunity is in learning to optimize and leverage those assets for good.

>> You're Others-Oriented

Putting other people first is pro-social behavior that is encouraged in relationships and community. Being others-oriented in a healthy way requires balance, in other words helping others without neglecting your own needs in the process. Finding a good balance between your focus on others and support for yourself will help you achieve better equanimity in your relationship with yourself and with others so you you can keep sharing your compassionate spirit with the world.

>> You're a person of integrity

Doing the right thing matters to you. The question is, whose criteria are you following to decide what's right? Following the playbook from your past, your pain or your socialized programming is confusing, especially if it conflicts with what you believe in your heart and mind as the leader of your own life. A lot of inner turmoil is generated from the tension between what's right for you, and what you think is expected of you. Good news -- alignment to your own beliefs and values is the shortest route to the integrity and peace of mind you seek. 


Your ability to stay the course through challenging times is remarkable. You have exceptional resilience and somehow always make it through. However, if survival mode has become your M.O., and you constantly feel like you're on high alert, then you'll never be able to relax and be at ease enough to enjoy your life. There has to be a better, more empowering way to be. Trading in your S.O.S. and choosing to trust your inner strengths and resources to be there if and when you need them, will free you up to leverage and benefit from the abundance within you and all around you. 


The fight song of the status quo may no longer be your jam.

We humans are meaning making beings who are built to survive and thrive. All our lives we've been taking queues from the external world, our environment, and our life experiences to find the safest, most successful path to follow. 

For the majority of people, fitting in is the safest way to go, and the bar for success is set and maintained by external sources like social media, mainstream culture, and the expectations of others.

For some people, perhaps including you, those parameters become too small, restrictive, and unsatisfying. If the mainstream mindset no longer resonates, it's time to expand your thinking, and transform your way of being, into something that suits you better and from the inside out.

If you're ready to trade in your fight song for a theme song, then you're in the right place.

I help people create happier, more fulfilling lives that are aligned and balanced with their true Self. I call it creating the life that suits you for good.  

See, what makes you unique and different from the norm is not a liability, and your happiness and success is not dependent on how well you keep up or blend in ...

The truth is, your greatest achievements, most fulfilling experiences, deepest connections, and most meaningful contributions come from your individual exuberance, and the humble and confident expression of what suits you well.

It's good because everything is connected; living from your true Self changes your life, and by connection helps others to do the same. 

What are you waiting for?

Amy Hallagan


Hi, I'm Amy

I've never been a fan of the, "that's just the way it is", or "I guess this is as good as it gets", kind of thinking.

I'm more a, "What's possible?", and "Let's figure it out!", kind of person.

So when I had my own awareness that I wasn't happy, fulfilled, or satisfied with my life, and many of the people I encountered both personally and professionally weren't either, I asked myself what was possible, and set my mind to learning, making connections, and trying to figure it out. 

What I realized was that while we're hard at work trying to be something, be right, be enough, and be everything to everyone -- we're missing out on being ourselves

That's how I catalyzed the concept of creating the life that suits you, and developed a model for clarifying what that looks like.

It's about truly connecting to your Self, so you can authentically engage and make life choices from your Self -- and experience a more free, happy, and peaceful life with fulfillment and purpose.

That's the idea behind how I coach, and why. It suits me.

If it suits you too, then let's connect